I have found these interesting lately. Maybe you will too!

Health & Wellness
- Working outside in the heat and humidity, or working out and/or running? Electrolytes are important!
- If I do 7-8 out of 10, I’m still successful, right? HA!
- 4 Ways To Unplug This Summer (Without Going off the Grid)
Science & Tech
- I have actually wondered this before: why aren’t car gas tanks always on the same side?
- I like this. It makes my planning heart happy 🙂
- Always looking for ways to make travel easier. I’m particularly interested in #3.
- I did not realize this but I am so glad that I have already switched to digital boarding passes.
…and for the other things…
- Just in time to be looking for a dress for Hawaii, I found a few cute dresses on this list.