I have found these interesting lately. Maybe you will too!

Health & Wellness
- *note to self* Implement the Bookshelf Wealth trend!
- I know my room could still use some work but I feel like I have nailed some of these decorating tricks!
Science & Tech
- Well, that’s no fun! Highway signs can no longer be fun, says the government.
- Some of these I have heard: 35 Awesome Australian Slang Terms You Should Know
- “Emerald Isle” has nothing to do with actual emeralds.
- “Slow travel is all about doing less, so that you can take in more of what’s around you.” I like it!!
…and for the other things…
- What in tarnation is “tarnation”?
- I have wondered the same thing before: where does the phrase ‘Feeling One’s Oats’ come from?