I’m trying something new. Maybe I’ll like it and keep it up. If not, I’ll try something different. I know I want to be where I blog more so this is one of those attempts. I do hope I like it and it sticks.
These may not be consistently on Thursdays but this time, it is. These are a few of the links that I found interesting lately and wanted to share. Maybe you’ll find them interesting too.

- Having found 30 Amazon Dresses That Look Triple Their Price, I fell down the dress rabbit hole but did come out with a dress on its way to my house.
- If you like cool and fun (and maybe sometimes disturbing) facts, check this out.
- I think I am a social introvert.
- I make lists, and especially to-do lists, so maybe I need to look at these 5 productivity tips to get things done.
- Stuffing Chocolate inside the marshmallow for s’mores? Spreading peanut butter on the cracker and adding banana? We need to try these new ideas for our VBS, because this year’s theme is camping and involves s’mores.
- I love cheese….and now cheese is a crouton. That’s something I can get behind!
- As someone who likes to plan ahead and TRIES to eat healthy, I really need to try these 20 Healthy Dinners You Can Meal Prep on Sundays.
- It’s the time of year for road trips and some, if not all, of these 23 road trip essentials would be great for your next road trip! I need some of these just for every day life!