Today I’m going to look at this a little differently. I do not shop for my mom. We decided years ago that we won’t buy presents for each other. The majority of the time, we are together and will buy whatever we need or want for ourselves. However, if I was shopping for Christmas gifts (or birthday or Mother’s Day, etc.), these are some of the places I would shop for her.
They have comfortable but nice-looking (think work and church type) clothes. It’s a win-win!

Coldwater Creek
Again, comfortable and nice-looking clothes.

Come on now. It’s Amazon! You can get anything and everything!

Land’s End
Their PJs are legit! (That’s not all they have that’s great but PJ life is the life!)

She loves the linen pants! (the South in summer = humidity and misery)

I know there are more places that she shops but those are the ones most recently purchased from that I actually remembered.
I am linking up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverythingBlog .

Amazon made my list too; they do have everything for everybody!!