Today I am going to look at what’s in my pantry. I’m going to be real with you. This is what it currently looks like.

It does not bring us joy, but let’s just say, it’s in transition. We have been cleaning out my grandmother’s house, so the pantry has been neglected, and has, quite often, been a catch-all.
But, when it is all nice and organized (and let’s pray I can make that happen this weekend), it looks more like this:

…and now on to what is in there.
You can see from the pictures what all we have in there, but I wanted to highlight a few.
These Veggie Chips! They taste like Pringles but are much healthier. They also come in Sea Salt and Sour Cream & Onion flavors.

These are both addictive!

If you like croutons on your salad, these, in my opinion, are the best! I have been known to eat them by themselves. Just pour some in a bowl and enjoy!

There you have it. What’s in our it-does-not-bring-joy-but-still-somewhat-organized pantry.
*I am linking up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverythingBlog.

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