Today I’m going to look at my new favorite summer find. Okay, so to be honest, this is not new. But, having just needed it the other day, I felt it needed to be talked about. So, stupid me – I made the mistake of going outside in our backyard without covering my entire body in bug spray. I know better but I just wasn’t thinking. So, thanks to our neighbor’s hoarding, and water standing in hoarded buckets, it is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. I should add, I have sprayed the yard already this year and that helps a lot but it has been a while so the mosquitoes are having a heyday right now. Before I could get back inside, I literally had swarms attacking my legs! I wish I had gotten a picture of how my legs looked but I didn’t think about it. Just imagine the bumps in the pictures below as bigger and redder, and very itchy!
Enter this.

It is for sensitive skin, as it says on the bottle, but it takes the burn out of sunburns and the itch out of bites! I have had this for years and it has never failed me yet! These are the bites after using “Soothe”. (all of the red dots are mosquito bites)

*I am linking up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverythingBlog.