Today I am going to look at my summer schedule. This will be fun, and interesting because my summer schedule depends on the week, and sometimes the day, and almost always the weather HA!

This doesn’t change much: I will go to church, probably stop and get something to eat, and then go home and stay there to mentally prepare for the week HA! Occasionally, I might go to eat and/or a movie with friends.

I work from home most Mondays, so this pretty much looks like waking up at 5:15, trying to get myself together, fixing coffee, making my bed, and sitting down to work. If laundry isn’t finished during the weekend, I will throw in a load to wash/dry while I’m working. After work, I feed the cats, take a shower, eat supper while watching TV, think about, and sometimes hang up, what I’m going to wear the next day, and then it’s off to bed.

Now, I am usually going into the office on Tuesdays. So, I wake up way too early, feed the cats if they aren’t already fed, fix coffee and get breakfast and lunch together, get dressed, head to work, and I’m there by 6 am. I get off at 2:30 and am usually home by 3:05 unless I go to the gym or make any other stops. I feed the cats, get a shower, eat supper, either read or do a blog post or two and then go to bed.
Wednesdays are similar to Tuesdays as far as the work day but after work activities/chores change. Unless there is an appointment somewhere, we almost always get groceries on Wednesdays. We put those up, feed the cats, gather up what we need for church, and head to eat before church. Since we have Wednesday night church, we usually get home around 9 and by the time we get in bed, it’s closer to 10.
The work day on Thursdays is usually similar to Tuesdays and Wednesdays, sometimes has a chiropractor or doctor appt, or maybe an afternoon at the gym, or maybe nothing at all, and the afternoon is free.

I work from home on Fridays so they are similar to Mondays – waking up at 5:15, trying to get myself together, fixing coffee, making my bed, and sitting down to work. I usually start the week’s worth of laundry on Friday so I start and run loads as I’m working. A local restaurant has a fish plate lunch special every Friday so I will go pick up lunch, and then get back to work.
Most Summer Saturdays I get up early and run, which is then, usually, followed by a cup of coffee and some Bible Recap. There is usually at least one cat sitting in my lap too. If I’m home on a Saturday, there will also be laundry in the washer & dryer. Unless someone wants to invite me to go swimming, I’m probably not going to plan any outdoor activities. It is too hot here in the summer.

Of course, VBS blows all of this out of the water LOL. The Thursday through Sunday afternoons before VBS were spent at the church (or at home) doing VBS prep and decorating, and then the Monday through Wednesday nights of VBS were spent at the church with the children🙂
*I am linking up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverythingBlog.

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