Today I’m going to look at my biggest pet peeves. Now, I’m not one to focus on the things that irritate me – I like to keep things positive (hence the blog name “SunnySide”), so I don’t talk about it here. But this will be fun! You know I’ll still make it funny LOL
These are in no particular order…
people not being responsible pet parents – I get it. It is hard work, and it costs money. But if you can’t feed it, keep it up, etc., please just don’t get one. We have so many strays in our neighborhood and bless my neighbor, he is feeding all of the cats…and when he is out of town, I go over and feed them. (I guess the dogs are eating somewhere else. They don’t stick around.) [Let me add: I’m not talking about accidents. I know they happen, even with the most spoiled, best-kept pets. This is for those folks that know they have no business having a pet but yet they do it anyway, and in most cases, others have to feed them, or worse, the pet, or someone, gets hurt. You know the ones…]
retractable pen clicking – please just don’t! I understand you might be fidgety but please fidget quietly.

smacking gum – If you look like a cow chewing, that’s not cool. Please don’t do that.

whining – if it’s a child, it still grinds on my nerves but I can deal with it. If it is an adult, no. You are grown. Just stop.
I’m sure there are more pet peeves if I really sat and thought about it but these are the first ones that popped into my head.
*I am linking up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverythingBlog.