Today’s post is short and sweet…but still wanted to share:)
I am linking up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverythingBlog to look at … Meal Planning.

To be honest, I don’t consistently meal plan. It is hit or miss, and mostly miss lately. I’ve been so busy that I don’t feel like I’ve even had time to sit down and plan. I’m lucky to make a grocery list most weeks.
However, when I do plan, it is either something that can be cooked the weekend before and put into the fridge or it is something in the slow cooker. 9 times out of 10, the slow cooker wins.
While there have been other slow cooker recipes that I make, most of the time, I find myself using one of Shay’s Slow Cooker recipes. They are just easy to follow and are delicious!