Well, today is Valentine’s Day so Happy Valentine’s Day to you all! I have no plans to celebrate, other than the Valentine’s party for our children at church, but I will be going out to eat with my mom on the way to church, and we will be eating at one of our favorite restaurants. They are normally closed on Wednesdays but are opened tonight for Valentine’s Day, so Happy Valentine’s to us! HA!
Today I was going to look at the little things I do every day. Some things I do every single day, and other things depend on what day of the week it is. Some are funny (see #1), some are important, and all are things I do!
#1: Sit up on the bed and get myself together
(every single day!) Look, I’m not a morning person. Yes, I do get up early every single day but it is necessary. Just because I’m up doesn’t mean I’m able to process complex questions or situations LOL

#2: Head to the kitchen to feed the cats
(every day, unless I’m not the first one up) As soon as they hear that I’m awake, they are persistently meowing. Bless them 🙂

#3: Make my bed
(every day) Sometimes this is after doing other things but that depends on the day. On the mornings that I go into the office to work, I will do this after making coffee and getting lunch together, but before getting dressed. But most mornings, this comes right after feeding the cats.

#4: Make and drink a cup of coffee
(every day except Sunday) If I am at home on a Saturday, this usually comes AFTER a run. If I am working, either at home or in the office, the coffee is already made, but soon after starting work, I am drinking coffee. On Sundays, we stop at Starbucks on the way to church so I usually start drinking coffee once I get to the church, but sometimes I start on the way.

#5: Cuddle/snuggle with the furbabies
(every day, multiple times a day) They love this, but probably not as much as I do!

#6: Bible Recap
This happens at different times, depending on the day. On Saturdays, I usually do this while drinking my coffee. During the week, I try to do it in the mornings but it depends on what my work looks like :\
#7: Talk to, and visit, with my grandmother
(every day) this needs no explanation 🙂
#8: Take my vitamins
(every day, if I remember) This is usually done when I eat breakfast in the morning.
#9: Read
(almost every day) I try to do this every single night, but sometimes I get distracted by my phone :\ or I’m just too tired to read…but I try!

#10: Schedule blog posts
(almost every day) I like to be able to get ahead. Sometimes I’m good at it, and sometimes I’m not. But whether I’m ahead, on time, or a little behind, I’m usually working on a blog post.
*I am linking up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverythingBlog.