Today I’m going to look at: how I schedule & organize a busy family…well, my busy life LOL
First off, it is just me and my mom, well, and 3 cats….but I also keep up with the church calendar, so this will include all of the above.
For all church things, we have a digital calendar (if you are looking for something for your church, it is called “Planning Center Calendar”). I input all events that are either held at the church, held by the church, but in a different location, or any time the facility is in use (birthday parties, Celebrate Recovery meetings, weddings, etc.). Leadership within the church have access to it so that they can see the full calendar, and can add events if the ministry they lead needs to use the church and/or fellowship hall (although they have just been getting me to enter it, which is fine). There is also the ability to “share” with the congregation, or to hide what is on the calendar. For a little more depth on this, “public” events can be shared on the Church Center app for our church. These are things like revival services, church anniversary/Homecoming, church-wide events…you get the picture. “Hidden” events aren’t shared with the congregation. These might be things like the quarterly board meeting, leadership meetings, more private church-business type items.

I use the Erin Condren Daily Duo for everything else + church stuff. This is the planner I have with me every day. Doctor & dentist appts, vet appts, flea med day, blog posts,every non-church event that I might plan to attend, vacation, run/gym sessions…you get the picture. I also have the church things that I know I will be involved in, or attend, written in the paper planner as well. On the “dashboard” page, I have the important events & birthdays listed, planned blog posts for the month, and books I’m reading/have read for the month. On the monthly page, it shows everything for the entire month, and then each day has the day’s schedule & to-do list.

As far as keeping everyone else organized, since I keep up with all of it anyway, I’ll either just tell them, “we have so and so coming up”, or they’ll ask. Now, I’m not saying my mom can’t keep herself organized because she does. She writes things on her calendar and puts them in her phone. But, she also knows that I’m going to remind her of something (and probably more than once, because that’s who I am. I talk about it). I’m also constantly getting asked, by church folks, when things are happening at church too, so I guess I’m not just scheduling and organizing family family, but also church family LOL.
*I am linking up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverythingBlog .