Today I am looking at how I prep for the holiday season. This is going to be fun! I love the holidays!
#1: Get it all in my planner.
Whether it is community events, church get-togethers, or just things I want to do, I make sure it is all in my planner. It keeps me from forgetting anything and gives me extra time to plan (food, clothes, decorations, etc.).
#2: Decide what weekend I will put the Christmas tree up.
I always want to have it up on or by the first weekend in November, but around that time is almost always busy, so I have to figure out a date to make a point to get it up. This year, it looks like it will be that first weekend of November…unless I go ahead and do it this weekend LOL
#3: Meal plan
I start thinking about what I may take to any Halloween/Fall Festival activities; what we will eat on Thanksgiving (dressing, ham, etc.); what I will take for Friendsgiving; and what we want to eat at Christmas (I like to have dips and just “fun” stuff on that day). This may also include any other parties or get-togethers that I commit to.
#4: Buy any decorations we might need, or want.
Sometimes this just means we see something new and it makes us happy so we get it 🙂
#5: Decorate!
I don’t really do anything for Halloween or Thanksgiving but the Christmas tree goes up the first weekend of November, or somewhere around that time, and then the Christmas wreath and outside lights go up the night of, or the day after Thanksgiving.
Now we’re ready to celebrate!!
*I am linking up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverythingBlog.

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