It’s January…a new year, and new things!
So, today, I am linking up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverythingBlog to look at … how I organize for the new year.
First things first, I have to make sure my planner is ready.
I add birthdays and other important dates to the dashboard (as well as preparing for the month’s blog posts and books I’m reading)…
and then I mark the days I get paid and the bills to pay on that day.
The rest is pretty much filled out as I go (doctor/dentist appointments, vet appointments, any other “planned” appointments, vacation days).
I also try to fill in my planner as a way to record memories.
The next way I organize for the new year, which is something new to me this year, is writing down things we have going on at church throughout the year. I have a notebook that I will divide by the 12 months of the year. I plan to write down everything we have for each month (especially if it requires prep work of some kind) and then assess each event and if prep needs to start a month or two before, I will make that note on that month (for example, if event is in November, note for prep work goes in September or October). I wish I had a picture of this but I do not. Maybe it makes sense though HA! It does to me.
If I have time after organizing my planner and church event notebook (really this can be done anytime), I will then go through my closet and get rid of the clothes I haven’t worn in a while. If I haven’t worn it in a while, chances are, I won’t be wearing it again.