I am linking up with Shay from MixandMatchMama and Erika from ALittleBitofEverythingBlog to look at … Holiday Decor Storage.

You probably came here expecting a super organized storage situation. Well, let me disappoint you LOL. I will say, it isn’t a super chaotic mess but we do hope for improvement someday (hopefully sooner rather than later).
We have very few Fall decorations but one is in a “recycled” cardboard box, labeled “Fall Door”. The others are small and are in the top of my closet in a plastic storage box.

Christmas decorations are in plastic storage boxes in our garage (which is currently being emptied, cleaned, some remodeling, and then re-organized).

bottom box is the Christmas tree ornaments & Christmas wreath
…and there you have it-nothing elaborate but everything is stored and somewhat organized.