I’m playing catch up but… I still wanted to document the books I read this year and my thoughts on each.
I’d Rather Be Reading by Anne Bogel

For those that feel like books are more than just a hobby, and feel like they can’t live
without them, this book is for you. Shoot! Even if you haven’t gotten to that point, I’d
Rather Be Reading would probably help you get to there. Anne, from Modern Mrs.
Darcy blog and What Should I Read Next? podcast, helps us look back at the books
that made us fall in love with reading and appreciate all the moments afterward. In
her book, she talked about reading the introduction and acknowledgments. I had
never done that because, honestly, I thought it was pointless and I wanted to go
ahead and get into the book. By reading the introductions and acknowledgments,
we are able to get an insight on both the book and the author. Now I’m wondering
what all I have been missing out on?
Between, Georgia by Joshilyn Jackson

books by the same author”. I had read Joshilyn Jackson’s Never Have I Ever and
really enjoyed it so I knew she was a very good writer and had written several books.
Between, Georgia is about Nonny Frett and a small town (population 90). Nonny has
two mothers (sisters, one who is almost completely deaf and blind, and the other,
who is almost completely crazy); two men in her life (a husband that’s leaving her
and a best friend that is winning her heart); and two families (the Fretts, who raised
her and the Crabtrees, who claim they were done wrong). There is a lot going on but
it is not hard to keep up. It’s not a favorite book for me but definitely still a good one!
I’ll Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara

This book is a true story about Michelle McNamara’s hunt to find the “Golden State
Killer”. For more than ten years, a predator committed fifty sexual assaults in Northern
California, moved south and committed ten sadistic murders, and then,
disappeared. Three decades after the assaults and murders, McNamara becomes
obsessed with finding this man. She studies police reports, interviews victims, and
joins online communities that seem to be as obsessed as her. While the details were
sometimes really disturbing, I was really interested in finding out who this man was,
why he did it, and if they caught him.

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