I’m playing catch up but… I still wanted to document the books I read this year and my thoughts on each.
Clearly, January was heavy on the running inspiration!

Not Your Average Runner by Jill Angie

I rarely think something is worthy of a full 5-stars but this book is well-written and
gives excellent advice and encouragement for those who think they are too fat to
run. It also encourages those who may not consider themselves “too fat to run” but
just don’t think they can run, for whatever reason. She gets real (it’s like she has been
inside all of our heads) but she is also funny at the same time. Don’t we all have
funny running stories? If you are thinking about, or have thought about running,
but don’t think you can, this book is for you! Even if you are already a runner but just
like to read (like I am), this book is also for you! Nothing like a book that we can
totally relate to!
Confessions of an Unlikely Runner by Dana Ayers

What is this? A second 5 stars?? Yeah, this book is that good too! The author is a
runner herself, although she claims to not get much faster, not much skinnier, or
much more disciplined, she has become an “accidental athlete”. She has
completed many endurance challenges, including Tough Mudder and Ragnar
Relay, which are just two that most have probably heard of. There are so many
more. Her race descriptions are entertaining to runners and, I believe, non-runners
as well. She gives so much encouragement and inspiration. Her stories are hilarious
yet so relatable. Whether you are a runner that just loves to read, or someone are
thinking about running and need inspiration, or even a non-runner who just loves to
read, I would definitely recommend this book.

This book is not only about running but also about getting through long work days
in a cubicle. Basically, it’s applying endurance principles to both running and every
day life. I honestly have any cons for this book, but I gave it 4.5 stars because it
wasn’t one of my favorites, but it is still a very good book!
Run the Mile You’re In by Ryan Hall

What is this? A third 5-star book? This book is written by an Olympic athlete who,
as a kid, hated running. However, one day, he felt compelled to run 15 miles
around his neighborhood lake. He immediately loved it and felt that this was a
God-given talent. He later went on the set an American half marathon record. He
had a 20-year running career but now he serves others as a coach, speaker, and
a non-profit partner. In this book, he shares how his faith in God helped him
achieve in both running and building relationships. Even though it is about running,
I would recommend this book for anyone, no matter the running ability (or lack
thereof). The encouragement and Bible scriptures can be applied to more than
just running.

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