It’s time to look at the books I read in January!
14 Ways to Die by Vincent Ralph
Jess lost her mom 10 years ago. She was murdered by the Magpie Man…and he
is still at large. Jess gets the opportunity to do a Youtube “reality” show where
she can get her mom’s story out, in hopes of catching the Magpie Man. Everyone
is watching so that means “he” is also watching, right? Y’all! I really got into this
book! It. was. so. good!! I was surprised at how much I enjoyed reading it. I
couldn’t put it down! Did they catch him? You’ll just have to read it! 😉
While I am nowhere near close to being able to run an ultramarathon…yet, it isn’t
completely out of the question. That’s what drew me to this book. I am so glad it
did. Cory’s account of being a “back-of-the-pack” runner is both funny and
inspring. The inspiration and lessons from his account could also be applied to
life outside of running. He talks about the good (the feeling of accomplishment),
the bad (the pain), and the ugly (the vomit) of ultramarathon or any long
distance running. Whether you are a runner or just like inspirational books, this
book is the one you need to read.
Autism and Your Church: Nurturing the Spiritual Growth of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder by Barbara J. Newman
Autism was once an unfamiliar word but has now become a reality for millions of
people. Whether you have a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or you
are working with children and/or adults with ASD, there seem to be so many
resources on how to deal with them at work, school, and home. But, most do not
talk about church. How can we make church a welcoming place for families
affected by ASD? This book shows church leaders how to appreciate persons
with ASD as “created in God’s image”, learn about the common differences in
those with ASD, find ways to include persons with ASD in the church, and create
an action plan for ministry with both adults and children with ASD.

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