This week’s topic: how my reading habits have changed over time. Some have improved, and some have not, but such is life. I’m sure they will change all over again at some point LOL.

1. It used to bother me to DNF, but now I don’t mind (as bad).
It does bother me to be unable to finish something, but if I’m not enjoying it, and the book isn’t improving, then why waste my time when I could be reading something I enjoy?
2. I read more e-books than I used to.
I LOVE the smell and feel of a physical book and always will, but sometimes it just makes sense to read an e-book. Plus, where am I going to put all of these physical books that I keep buying?! LOL
3. I read, and love, historical fiction more than I used to.
I’m not one that is really into history, but there’s just something about historical fiction that I like.
4. I actually keep a record of what I read.
I could definitely do better, but it is better than nothing.
5. I am able to review copies before they are released.
This is one I am thrilled about! When I started trying to get approved to read advanced copies, or previews, I was getting nowhere. But now, I do get picked sometimes! I love it!
6. I don’t do reading challenges anymore.
I used to try to do them because I thought it would help me read more, but it never worked out, so I stopped. Why disappoint myself? Life happens and sometimes that means that reading doesn’t.
7. I get more secondhand books than I used to.
Our local library gives away books sometimes and I have found some that I have really enjoyed. I have also bought a few secondhand books.
8. I read more now than I did in school.
In school and in college, I had to read certain books, not necessarily ones I would have picked. So, for years, I barely read anything. Then I got back the love of reading, and wanted to read more. I am nowhere near where I want to be with the amount of reading, but it is better than when I was burnt out LOL.
9. I used to read outside more.
This has actually changed from just a year or two ago. I have been trying to get back to it though, especially now that the weather is getting nicer.
10. I make more book lists.
Do I always follow them? No, but I try. I’ll make a list I want to read or a themed list of some sort. It may take me a while to refer back to it, but I will eventually get to it.
*Linking up with Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for this Top Ten Tuesday!

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