It was a great weekend…and Labor Day weekend, so it was an extra day off for most people! (If you were not one of the ones who got off, I really am sorry. You deserve a day off too)
Friday Night
Nothing exciting. Just laundry. I did enjoy being at home, watching TV, and loving the furbabies.

Up before the sun! It was the first community event of September. Our church set up a tent at one of the local festivals and gave out lemonade (with fruit) and church logo “goody” bags. The festival wasn’t over until 3 but I left early because I needed to go somewhere and didn’t want to be out all night.

I had signed up to do a 14.2-miler on Sunday morning but I have had too much going on to have to get up at 2:30 in the morning (it starts at 5 and I have to drive an hour to get there). So, once I left the festival, I picked my mom up and we had to pick up my race packet. I wasn’t going to be able to run but I still wanted my shirt. So, I picked that up, and then we headed to Sam’s to get items that we couldn’t get through ordering/delivery.

We were home by around 5 but were exhausted. Maybe I had too much fresh air that morning HA! By then, it was time to shower, eat supper, and go to bed. I was exhausted so I was asleep early.
My Sunday morning routine was no different than any other Sunday, but the afternoon was! It was our Fall Fun Day! Those who wanted to went to the local ball fields, where we ate hamburgers, snow cones, and cotton candy, played softball, and just hung out together as a church family! We also had jumpies for the kids.

When I got home, I watched Bull, ate supper, and then stuffed 333 goody bags for this weekend’s local festival. Then, I went to bed.
Monday (Labor Day)
I got up without an alarm because it was Labor Day! (well, unless you consider the furbabies HA!). It was nice to not have to go anywhere or do anything. I enjoyed sitting in my chair, drinking coffee with pumpkin spice creamer, and reading.

After breakfast and Bull, my mom and I decided it was time to replace the drawer slides on some of the kitchen drawers. Because they were very similar to the ones we had, it didn’t take too much extra work to replace them. We got three sets replaced and will finish the rest this weekend.

Then the rest of the day was relaxing, doing a little church work it doesn’t feel like work if you like doing it:), writing a blog post of two, loving on the babies, and just mentally preparing for the rest of the week.

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!