We took yesterday off for Memorial Day but I’m here today with a Memorial Day weekend recap!
Friday/Friday Night
Nothing exciting except laundry. We just relaxed and got our stuff together for the next day. We did eat steak for supper so that was exciting HA!
So…we headed out to go kayaking (we had already had to postpone once due to unusually cold temperatures in April). We had checked the weather all week and it was still looking good (the only rain in the forecast would be gone way before we even left the house). We woke up at 5:45, fed the cats, dressed, gathered our stuff (food, water, dry box for phones & keys), and headed out. We stopped to get breakfast on the way. We did see that it was cloudy in the direction we were headed but after looking at the radar, it looked like we would be on the other side of the rain by the time we got to where we met up with the rental company. As we got closer, the sky got darker and it was lightning. We checked again and the rain was not going away…so as we were discussing whether or not to postpone…again…the rental company texted and said that if we would like to postpone, to please let them know by 8:00 am (that was the time we had planned to meet them). We texted back that we would be postponing and would get back to them on a new date. I was driving so I had to pull over to check my calendar. When I pulled over, we looked up the road and were almost to the turnoff…so we were almost there and had to postpone. But, we were okay with that decision and headed back home. Despite our plans changing right in the middle of said plans, it still ended up being a good and productive day.
We got back home, drank coffee, and began plan B. If you’ve been reading for a little while, you probably remember that we have been working on reinforcing the drywall and re-painting the walls in the office. Well, after having coffee, we went to work in the office. I took down the ceiling fan, and my mom started painting the ceiling. Having two people painting in that room is too much but I was always available to help…don’t think I didn’t 😉 while my mom painted and I worked on church stuff for Sunday, I also finished laundry for the week. It was time to relax once the office ceiling was painted and church work was completed (both my mom’s and mine). We did go visit with my grandmother, before eating supper. We watched “Murdoch Mysteries” while eating supper, and then it was time for bed, and reading.
Nothing different from most Sundays.

Church was great (we did honor our high school graduates and also “celebrated” Memorial Day by remembering and honoring those lost defending our country). After church, we stopped at Kroger for lunch and headed home. We ate lunch, watched “Murdoch Mysteries” and then went to visit with my grandmother. When we got back to the house, we decided to install the new fan in the office (since the ceiling was painted and dry). It’s amazing how knowing you don’t have to set an alarm for the next morning gives you extra energy.

We got the fan installed, ate supper, watched “Murdoch Mysteries”, then I went to bed to read.
Monday (Memorial Day)
I woke up without an alarm 🙂 I drank coffee while reading, then we ate breakfast while watching “Murdoch Mysteries”, then began work in the office. I helped my mom get the room ready for painting, then I worked on a few other things. My grandmother came over to our house and since I had planned to grill burgers for us, in the early afternoon, I started working on that.

We ate burgers and enjoyed visiting.

When my grandmother went back home, I worked on cleaning up the charcoal and grill, pulled a few weeds (I couldn’t help myself LOL) and my mom went back to painting. With everything finished for the day, it was time for the nightly, back-to-work, routine – showers, supper & “Murdoch Mysteries” watching, and then bed/reading.

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

Love your dress for church and kayaking sounds so fun!
Thank you!
I’m sure the kayaking will be fun if we can ever get out there on the water LOL