It was a FULL, but great weekend!
Friday Night
A friend had planned to attend a football game to watch her “niece” (it’s her 2nd cousin) cheer in the high school homecoming game and she asked me to go with her, so I did 🙂 We ate at a local catfish & steak restaurant beforehand and then headed to the game. Due to the homecoming court presentation during halftime, the band performed their halftime show before the game.

After that, it was game time!

We are both “old” HA! not really so we were ready to go after halftime. We were both home by 8:30 or 9.
This was our 3rd church community event of the month so I was up early. I fed the cats, dressed, stopped at Starbucks for breakfast and coffee on the way, and then headed to the church to help gather everything we needed at the festival. We headed out (the festival was only 2 or 3 minutes from the church), got set up, and were ready to go with plenty of time to spare.

We had a couple of people in the church that also had vendor tents so we walked around and visited them, and helped some get set up. We handed out “goody” bags with our church name and website, cups of lemonade with fruit, and smiles 🙂 There was singing throughout the day, but my personal favorite was The Bridge Praise singers & band (I’m a little partial).

We were finished between 2:30 and 3 so I headed home to shower and work on church work. After that, it was time for supper and an episode or two of Bull before bed.
This Sunday was like most – wake up, Starbucks, some great church, then home to rest, relax, and get ready for the week ahead!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!