It was a good, yet productive weekend!
Friday Night
I had been out of town for 3 days so there was laundry to do (that’s nothing new), but also, since my mom and I usually get groceries together, there were groceries to be bought. While we were out, we also picked up flea medicine for the girls and then supper for us and my grandmother. After the other errands were done, it still wasn’t quite time for the food to be finished, so we popped into a local downtown store.

My mom was looking for something specific and did not find anything, but I came out with a new blouse 🙂

I was up early and got in a 2.5-mile run 🙂 It was nice to be able to get outside and run. After that, it was time for coffee, breakfast, and getting laundry finished. During breakfast, we did watch an episode of Bull.

After breakfast, it was time to get some work done! We started working on changing out the drawer sliders for our garbage can “drawer” but the sliders were not the correct length so we ordered more, and then were done with that project for the day. We have one more community event coming up (this weekend) so I needed to get the remainder of the bags stuffed for that, so, with my mom’s help, I got that knocked out pretty quickly.

With bags stuffed and ready to go, the remainder of the day was spent getting church work finished, showers taken, supper eaten, Bull episodes watched, and then off to bed to read!
Nothing different from most Sundays – Starbucks, great church service, then home for the rest of the day. We ate lunch (leftovers from Friday night), watched Bull, did a few things around the house, ate supper, watched more Bull, and then it was off to bed.
Sunday’s report was short and sweet 🙂

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!