It was a great weekend!
Friday Night
My mom and I drove my grandmother to pick up half a bushel of purple hull peas. She likes to shell them and freeze them. It was one of if not the, hottest days of the summer, and we were not about to let her get out by herself (she is able to drive fine, but she is 84 and the temperature was in the upper 90s and the heat index was 105+).

We stopped at Mcdonald’s on the way back to her house to get her some food. Once back at our house, I replaced the pump inside our garden backpack sprayer. We have had it for several years and recently it started leaking, but not at any obvious locations (not from the hose, etc.) So, thanks to the AWESOME troubleshooting guide on the sprayer manufacturer’s website, I was able to determine that it was the pump. So, I ordered a new pump, it came in, and I replaced it Friday evening. I took it outside, put some water in the tank, turned it on, and….Y’all!! It doesn’t leak anymore!

After getting the pump replaced, and the sprayer put back in the garage, it was time for supper and a shower. We watched an episode of “Jack Ryan” while eating supper, and then it was shower time, followed by bedtime. I did read a little before falling asleep.
I was not up early for running this time, because, it was our annual Ladies Conference morning at church! We were up early (for a non-run Saturday) but we had to allow time for a Starbucks stop. We needed to be at the church at 8 for final preparations so a coffee was much needed. Breakfast began at 9 and the conference started at 10.

The speaker was AWESOME! The singing was great, as always. It was just a great conference in every way! When it was over, my mom and I left and headed home. Remember, we were there early HA! We ate lunch and then both worked on our church work, and I finished laundry. By the time church work was done, it was time for showers. My friend had texted me that she and her brother would be coming into town to eat and invited me to eat with them. So, I got my shower and got dressed to go meet them. We ate at a local seafood place and it was delicious, like always! I did bring my mom and grandmother some food home too. By the time I got back home, it was almost time for bed, but I did have one more thing to do before church the next morning. I got it done and headed to bed.
Sunday morning routine is the same: get dressed, go to Starbucks, go to church, go home. However, this Sunday was our Back-to-School revival so I have to talk about it 🙂 We had a special speaker and he did a great job. It was also the Sunday that we pray for our kids (preschool all the way up through college), our teachers, administrators, counselors, etc. We also presented each student with a backpack tag that says “My church has and is praying for me”. After church, we went straight home. We still had leftovers from Friday night so we ate those. The rest of the day was spent getting ready for the week ahead!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!