It was a very low-key weekend and I’m not upset about it! It was so low-key that I only have one picture (not counting the show picture) HAHA
Friday Night
After work, it was cloudy and the wind was blowing so it was pleasant enough to pull some lots of weeds out of the flowerbed. I did not stop to take a picture but just take my word for it – it looks so much better! It felt good to get that done! After that, I started on the laundry from the week. Then, we ate some supper, watched “Rosemary & Thyme”, and then went to bed.

I got up early to run, but while feeding the cats, I saw that it was lightning, so I went back to bed. No point in the risk of getting struck by lightning HA! When I got up, I changed the sheets on the bed, drank coffee, continued laundry, and then it was time for breakfast. After breakfast and watching “Rosemary & Thyme”, I went into the office to work on church work and blog work. It was a nice chill day (it was raining outside too), work got done, and that’s the way I like it 🙂 We watched “Rosemary & Thyme” during supper and then it was off to bed for church on Sunday.
I’m not going to repeat my routine, because most of you know it by now. But we went to church, picked up food from Kroger for lunch, and enjoyed relaxing and watching more “Rosemary & Thyme”.

I did end up going to the 6:40 showing of “Indiana Jones & the Dial of Destiny” with friends. In case you aren’t aware, it is 2 and a half hours long. however, it did not feel like it was that long because it was so good! After the movie, I came home and went to bed.

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!