It was a FUN weekend! Again, there were some changed plans, but the weekend was still great!
I started laundry and we soon moved on to taking down the old dining room chandelier.

We put the new one up, but turned it on…and it didn’t work. So, we thought maybe the switch was bad, so that got changed out. When that didn’t work, we knew we had a faulty chandelier but were too exhausted to take it down. I called in a to-go order to a local restaurant for supper, picked it up, and came home to eat. We ate and watched “Murdoch Mysteries”. After supper, we were still too tired to take the chandelier down so we went to bed, knowing we would have to get it down to send it back, but we couldn’t the next morning because we had dates with kayaks.
Well, hello postponed plans again. We woke up early to get ready for kayaking (you know, the trip that has been postponed twice already, due to weather). I had been sick during the night (nothing major, just stomach issues) but was still not feeling the greatest when we got up. My mom suggested we postpone again, but I really hated to. However, as she reminded me, I did not want to be out in the middle of the river with stomach issues. So, we postponed it yet again (the new plan is to go June 24th. Here’s hoping for the best!)
Since we were up early, and already “raring to go”, we knew we had to get a new chandelier so we decided to go to Lowes to look. We did find one, made a stop at Starbucks for breakfast and coffee, and headed home to change out chandeliers. When we began taking the first new one down, we saw that one of the wires connections had not stayed connected (stupid stranded wire). So, my mom reconnected it (and double-checked it), we attached the chandelier back, and decided to test it before we fully committed to taking it down. Well…it worked! So, we finished tightening the screws to secure it to the ceiling bracket, and we were in business. Of course, we hadn’t changed the switch back to what it was before, so my mom got that done.

My friend asked me if I wanted to run to a store with her (the nearest store is an hour and a half away) so I decided to go with her. She had asked me the night before if we were still going kayaking and since we thought we were going, I said yes, so she just decided to go to the store by herself. Once I knew we weren’t going to be able to go kayaking, I let her know. I met her at her house, and we headed out. We went to Dillards, then ate a late lunch at Firebirds.

While there, we decided we wanted to run to Target before we headed home. Of course, we had to go to Starbucks while we were there. When we walked in, we decided we didn’t need a shopping cart. Yeah, well, we did in fact need a shopping cart HA! We bought the things we “needed” and headed home. I did have a few things I needed to do for church before Sunday morning so after I got back to my house, and showered, I got those things done and was off to bed to read! I see this friend all the time (we go to church together and she is the one I travel with all the time) but we don’t usually just get to go shopping together so it was nice to be able to do that. It was a good day after all!
You know the routine 🙂 Starbucks, and then church (great as always). Since the first new chandelier did actually work, we had to take the second new one back to Lowes. We made that stop on the way home from church, stopped at Kroger for lunch, then went home to eat and watch “Murdoch Mysteries”. Around, I started getting ready for our Care Group get-together. We had decided to go bowling and then to eat. (I did not get any pictures of this LOL). Once we finished bowling, we went to eat at one of our local Mexican restaurants. The food and fellowship were great! …and we may have planned several other outings, one that might involve racing HA! We truly have the best group! Once we finished eating, I came home and got ready for bed. I did run a report for church, send a text or two, but then I headed to bed to read.
So, that was my plans-changed-again, fun yet still relaxing weekend!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!