It was a semi-busy weekend! I got a few pictures but none of the finished office!
Friday Night
So, if you’ve been following along for a little while, you know we’ve been re-doing the office (not remodeling but patching & re-inforcing drywall, followed by painting). Well….that is finally finished so it was time to move back in. Moving in meant putting the huge six-piece desk back in, and it wasn’t light either. It took a good part of the day but Friday night, it was all in and secured.
I did set an alarm to get up and run but I was still so exhausted that I turned it off and went back to sleep (it was VBS week, and I hadn’t gotten caught up on sleep). I got up around 8:30 (which is late for me HA!), got dressed, and went and picked up food for us, for breakfast. We did watch a little bit of TV while we ate, but then it was back in the office to get the new rug down. We stopped and went to a visitation for our neighbor who passed away earlier in the week. When we got back home, we continued working in the office. We got the stand-up desks back into the room and got everything plugged in. Then it was time for supper with friends, a little church work when I got back home, and then to bed to read.

You already know…it’s Sunday. I go to church 🙂 We stopped at Kroger for lunch but they didn’t have any chicken. They did have one rack of ribs and my mom likes that so it worked out for her. I had to fix my own food LOL. Sunday afternoon and evening were spent relaxing and mentally preparing for the week (we were off work all last week so it took a little extra prep to be ready HA!)

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!