It was an extremely busy weekend! It was the weekend before Vacation Bible School so it was all about VBS prep!
Friday/Friday Night
I was at the church decorating and preparing for VBS from 5:30-6 until around 9:30-10. It was a late night. A lot got done, but also a lot was left to do.
I woke up when my body was ready. I needed that sleep too! I ate breakfast and watched “Murdoch Mysteries”. After breakfast, I helped my mom tape plastic to the floor in the office because she was going to start painting the walls. Once we finished, that I got dressed and headed back to the church to continue getting ready for VBS. I was there until about 8:30 or 9.

You probably know the routine 🙂 Up early for church, fed the cats, got dressed, Starbucks stop on the way to pick up my mom and my coffees, administrative assistant duties (Next Step classes), wonderful church service, followed by “Lunch with the Pastors” for those that have just completed all Next Step classes. After that, it was back to the church to finish VBS prep! It was a busy and tiring weekend but it is so worth it for the kids!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!