It was a good weekend – just enough activity to make it productive yet, just enough relaxing to make it helpful:)
Friday/Friday Night
Nothing exciting, except laundry and relaxing. I had a 10K race the next morning so I made sure I was relaxing HA!
It was 10K morning! I got up, fed the cats, dressed, and headed downtown. When I first woke up, I didn’t even want to go. Thank you sinus/allergy season. It helped to have my clothes already laid out, and once I got downtown, the excitement seems to help liven me up. I did the race (with 1100+ other runners & walkers), got my snacks, finisher medal, and coke float, and headed back home.

I drank my coffee and ate brunch (it wasn’t even worth calling it breakfast by the time I ate something) and relaxed a little before starting church work. I sent out Next Step class reminders, printed sign-in sheets for classes, and got started on the VBS name tags and crew signs for this year. This took up the rest of the day, and then it was time to shower and eat supper.
Got up, fed the cats, got dressed, and headed to Starbucks on the way to church. It was Next Step Sunday so I had to make some copies before 9:30 so after eating my breakfast, I went upstairs, made the copies, and distributed the booklets and sign-in sheets for each class. I made a few more copies for the Kids’ Check-in area, and then sat down to make some notes of things I needed to remember to do.
Once Sunday School was over, we got ready for worship service and the kids sang to start it off. Church was great! Pastor’s message was great! I love Sundays 🙂
After church, we had “Lunch with the Pastors” (the final “class” in Next Steps) so I headed to the restaurant, we ate lunch and met with those that were participating in the final class, and then I headed home. It was a nice afternoon of relaxing and spending time with family and the furbabies;)

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

Congrats on your big run!
thank you!