It was a relaxing weekend! It was supposed to have been busy but plans changed (due to the weather) so I enjoyed being at home and having a slow weekend, which is not something I have very often.
Friday/Friday Night
I did nothing, except relax, eat, watch TV (Citadel), and love on fur babies.

I did read for a little while when I went to bed.
I woke up when my body decided it was time to get it, and while the much-needed rest was great, the headache and sore back were not (I guess this is 40 HA!) but I recovered pretty quickly. I started laundry, ate breakfast and watched Brokenwood Mysteries, then worked on church work. It was so nice to not have a “plan”, for once. (I am a planner but busy Saturdays are a lot sometimes). Finished up the laundry, showered, ate supper while watching “Brokenwood Mysteries”, and went to bed to read.
It was the normal Sunday morning routine – up at 6:15, fed the cats, got dressed, stopped at Starbucks, Sunday School, and worship.

Church was great, as always. We did stop at Kroger on the way home for fried chicken (my mom) and chicken strips (me). We may have picked up some apple fritters while we were there.

We ate lunch, watched the last episode (currently) of “Brokenwood Mysteries”, and then we went to visit my grandmother. We visited with her (and her furbaby) for a while and then was back at the house for more relaxing, eating (supper), and TV watching. We started on season 16 of “Murdoch Mysteries” (but discovered that apparently we missed some of season 15 so now we’ve gone back LOL). I did read when I went to bed, and Blue joined me for a little while:)

So, there you have my super low-key weekend, and I’m not at all upset about it:)

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!