It was a pretty low-key yet productive weekend! I like that kind of weekend 🙂
Friday/Friday Night
After work, I worked on laundry for the week. We had gotten in some solar outside lights for the front and side yard so we did get those set up.

My new laptop arrived on Tuesday so you know everything you have to do to move from one laptop/computer to a new one. I finished most of that so it would be ready for church work on Saturday. I ate supper, watched”Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private Investigators”, then set out my running clothes for the next morning, and went to bed to read.
Up around 6:15-ish, I stripped the bed, fed the cats, got dressed, and headed out for my 6-mile run.

Back home, I started a load of laundry (sheets), made (and drank) a cup of coffee, and ate breakfast while watching “Shakespeare & Hathaway”.

Before beginning all of the church work I needed to complete, I put clean sheets on the bed. At this point, I had developed a headache. While out on my run (but almost home), I noticed that my sinuses had all of a sudden started feeling full, so it wasn’t surprising that I ended up with a headache. It is just one of those things with this up-and-down Spring weather. Despite the headache, I did manage to get quite a bit of work completed. I got my shower and took some sinus medicine. This did help dull the headache. I started a final load of laundry, ate supper and watched “Shakespeare & Hathaway”, and then went to bed and read.
Up early, got dressed, headed to Starbucks, and on to church. If you’ve been reading for any length of time, you know the routine. This Sunday, I did not have any meetings or lunches planned after church so I went home. I did make a stop at Kroger on the way home for gas, a prescription, and some chicken strips and potato wedges for lunch & supper. I ate lunch, watched a few episodes of “Shakespeare & Hathaway”, ate supper, did a little bit of work, and then went to bed to read. It was nice to be able to just relax HA!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

Sounds like a wonderful and relaxing weekend!
It was, and I was thankful for the opportunity to relax, especially when dealing with a headache.