It was a fairly low-key weekend and normally I would say I was happy about it but the weekend ended not the way anyone would have expected. It was still a good, productive weekend though.
Friday Night
I started laundry and worked on my bedroom (if you’ve been following for a while, it has been a work in progress. I had to swap out winter and summer clothes, and at the same time, get rid of clothes I no longer wear or can no longer wear. With other things going on, it has taken forever!). We then ate supper and watched “Doctor Blake Mysteries”. After that, I laid out my clothes for Saturday morning’s 5K race, read some (while watching the weather), and finally went to sleep. Before Friday night, the weather was forecasting a 5 out of 5 for severe storms and tornadoes. As the day progressed, the timeline shrunk as did the percentage of coverage. Thankfully, my town was spared. We barely got rain. Other towns around us did get hit, but I am thankful that we are fine.
Up early, changed the sheets on the bed, fed the cats, and headed out to the local 5K. Going into this, my goal was to at least place. I’ve moved up into a different age group, and while there are fewer participants in the age group than before (IYKYK), there is still some competition so I had set myself a goal to place, and…I came home with 2nd!!

walking back with my shoe medal

medals are attached to shoes
Back home from the 5K, it was time for coffee, breakfast, and “Doctor Blake Mysteries”. After breakfast, we started working on sanding drywall (if you’ve not been following along, we’ve been working on drywall repairs the last few weekends). During this time, we received a text that a precious lady in our church was on her way to the ER. Soon after that text, I received a message from our pastor asking me to get teachers lined up for the next morning because they weren’t expecting her to make it through the night 🙁 (one of her daughters is our Children’s Ministry Director, and a very dear friend of mine, one daughter and four granddaughters teach Sunday School). Thankfully, I was able to have subs secured very quickly and all was taken care of.

We did get the drywall sanded, and dust wiped, and then we applied another coat/layer/whatever of drywall mud (this should be the last one!), took showers, ate supper, watched another episode of “Doctor Blake Mysteries” and it was time for bed. I was exhausted! I did, of course, have enough energy to read;)
When I woke up, I found out that she had passed away. Pray for her family and friends.
Like most Sundays, I woke up early, fed the cats, and got ready for church. On the way to church, we stopped at Starbucks for cappuccinos and egg bites. Once we both got to church, our work continued (mine as admin asst; my mom’s as media/lyric producer). A typical morning means I am getting baptismal certificates signed, making copies and distributing the Service Order for the day, and making whatever other documents might need to be made. This Sunday, due to the passing of this sweet lady, I also needed to unlock the Sunday School classrooms and distribute the attendance books. The rest of the time is usually spent still doing various other things I need to do. I did do the Children’s Director’s duties of getting the total for all classes, collecting the Sunday School offering, and finally releasing them when it is time. Sunday School was from 10:00 to 10:45, then the children came down for Worship. We had Worship and Word from 11:00 to 12:00-12:30.
Most Sundays, we go home and relax and work on getting things together for the week and that’s exactly what we did! Nowhere to go and it was wonderful! We had steak for lunch and watched, you guessed it! “Doctor Blake Mysteries”. I needed to stuff 250 eggs for the Community Egg Hunt this coming Saturday so we did get that knocked out.

Since my room has been messed up (from swapping winter/summer and purging), I was determined to make a huge dent in getting back in order. So, I started on that. I did work on getting laundry done too. I stopped to eat a quick supper and then went back to working on the room situation. I am happy to report that I see a light at the end of the tunnel and I’m feeling much better about my room now that I can see most of the floor again HA! And, even though it was late when I finished, I still made time to read before falling asleep 🙂

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

It sounds like a good weekend overall. I am so sorry about the lady’s passing though. This is such sad news.
Yes it was. Thank you!
Congrats on your 5K and love seeing your window open as you work in your room! Yeah for Spring 🙂
Thank you!