It was a busy weekend, and I didn’t take any pictures! But this is how it went:
Friday/Friday Night
After work (WFH), my mom and I went outside to clean/wash the deck railings. I wish I had taken a before and after picture but just think about it – the railings are white and the deck is under trees, so the railings had “turned” black, and green in some areas. Thanks to lots of scrubbing, and Dawn dish liquid, they are now white again.
Once the railings were finished, I started on the vinyl siding. This is a fairly simple process: connect the cleaning solution bottle to the water hose, slide the switch to “clean”, spray the siding, let it work for 10 minutes, and rinse it. Some of it required 2 cleanings, some 3, and one particular place took 4 cleanings, but thankfully it is all clean…and it makes me happy every time I look at it HA!
I went inside and got a shower, ate supper, did a little bit of church work, and went to bed.
I woke up early but not to run :/ I had a meeting at the church at 7 am. We ate breakfast and discussed leadership things, and then it was back home to do church work. I had some things that needed to be done before evening because we had a county youth service at church that night. I got work done, took a shower, and headed to the church. I wasn’t supposed to be doing the media but the media guy did not show up so I ended up filling in. It was a really good service, but it was long. (I am too old for that HA!)
I stopped by Taco Bell on the way home (I had a craving… IYKYK) and the line was LONG. But I finally got my food, and I went home, finished up some church work that I needed for Sunday, (while eating my food), and finally went to bed.
If you’ve been reading for a while, you know the drill…up early, feed cats, get dressed, stop at Starbucks, and head to church. This Sunday was our Next Steps classes so I had to get sign-in sheets and booklets distributed and make a few copies for the “Lunch with the Pastors” that was scheduled for after church. We had Sunday School, then worship & word, and to sum it up, church was more than great!
After church, those scheduled for the “Lunch with the Pastors” went to eat, and were introduced to ministry. After this, I headed back home for the rest of the day. I did a little bit of work (yes, it seems I always have work to do), watched some TV, ate supper, prepared for the coming week, and went to bed.
…and there you have my weekend without pictures. I know that’s unusual LOL

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

Sounds like a great weekend!
It was! Tiring, but still great!