It was Easter weekend!
Friday/Friday Night
It was Good Friday so we were off work. I have been going so much and been so busy that I was determined to not set the alarm. It was wonderful! I slept until my body was ready to get up. It was nice also to have the time to drink a cup of coffee while reading a book.
I did laundry during the day but that didn’t take too much effort HA! The rest of the time was spent watching “Doctor Blake Mysteries”, yes, we’re still on that show loving the furbabies, and just enjoying the rest and relaxation.

Ate supper, got clothes and other things together for the next morning, went to bed, read/finished a book, and started a new one.
It’s Community Egg Hunt day! I was up early, fed the furbabies, got dressed, and headed out the door. I returned my book to the library, then stopped at Starbucks and Chick-Fil-A on the way to the church. I got to the church around 8:20 and it was misting but no rain showed in the forecast for the rest of the morning. (we had been keeping up with it for days). We had 2800+ eggs and we were going to have the egg hunt one way or another. We started getting everything set up outside, and the guys setting up the bounce houses were there and setting up. Again, we were thinking it was about to stop raining. We checked the weather again, and it showed rain but it was supposed to move out by 10. As it got closer to 9 and 9:30, the rain increased instead of decreasing, so we made the decision to move everything inside. The bounce houses were out in the rain but some of the men were able to move the smallest one under the awning.

Since we had moved the egg hunt inside, we had nowhere to hide them inside the fellowship hall. Plus, all kids and parents, and some grandparents, were all inside too, so it. was. CROWDED! So, we decided to see how many kids we had in each age group. We knew exactly how many eggs we had divided into each age group, so we took that total, divided by the number of kids there in each group, and determine how many eggs would we give them. I mean, they are there for the candy, not the hunt, right? HA! So, we handed out the eggs, the kids got their prizes, then we had the drawing for bigger prizes, and it was time to go home…and it was still raining. Despite the sudden pivot, the Community Egg Hunt was a success!

After the Egg Hunt, the praise team practiced the songs for Sunday. I stayed then, just so I could finalize the service order for Sunday. After an hour of practice, we were all ready to go home. I went home, ate lunch, nursed a headache that had developed:/, and watched “Doctor Blake Mysteries”. We had a nail appointment at 6:15 but she texted at 5:20 that she was available so we went on to the nail salon.

Back home at 8, it was almost time for bed, but we did need to eat something so we did that, then went to bed, to read.
If you’ve been reading for a little bit, you know my routine LOL. Up at 6:30, fed furbabies, got dressed, stopped at Starbucks, then to church to get work done. It was Easter Sunday so we all made sure we were on our A-game. The kids sang beautifully, the praise did awesome (as always), and the speakers between the songs, and then the pastor, all did a great job! (Again, they always are, but we had more songs this time, and we don’t usually have speakers in between the songs).

On the way home, we stopped at Kroger to pick up lunch, but they didn’t have chicken strips or popcorn chicken (I don’t eat chicken on the bone ) so we had to make an additional stop so I could get some sweet & sour chicken. The rest of the day was spent eating lunch, watching “Doctor Blake Mysteries”, doing a little bit of church work, having supper, and then bedtime.

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!