Compared to last weekend, this is low key and I’m not upset about it. I need rest LOL
Friday Night
One word: laundry. I had vacation laundry that did not get done during the week because as soon as I got back home from Disney, it was right back to work. So, there’s lots of laundry this time.
The plan was to get up early to get in a very chilly run but sinus pressure said otherwise. You know the kind…the kind that hurts under the eyes and down in your teeth 😐 so, sinus meds and sleep it was (after I fed the girls though). I did feel better (but not 100%) when I woke up again. I continued on with laundry, ate breakfast and watched Hope Street, and then worked on wall reinforcement with my mom. Considering this was something we’ve never done before, it went fairly smoothly (it never goes perfectly like it shows on TV HA!) and we were finished in a few hours. Once we were finished and the mess cleaned up, I stll had plenty of time to get church work complete, do some closet & storage purging in my room and get a shower. It was then time for supper and more Hope Street.

Well, Sunday started out like normal – up at 6:15, got ready for church, headed out to church, stopped at Starbucks for coffee and breakfast, and got to church about 8am. Praise team practice started about 8:45, and they practiced the two songs they had planned to sing. Then they started working on a new song. During that song, practice turned into worship. Those of us that were there early, joined in, and as people came in for Sunday School, which normally starts at 10, they also joined in. As people drifted in, worship grew as the congregation grew. Sunday School classes didn’t happen, and it all just flowed into the next part. So, for 3 solid hours, it was worship. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL. So much so that we ended up going back at 4:30, and prayed and worshiped some more. Yesterday was tiring but thank you Lord, it was good!!
(I meant to take an OOTD picture yesterday morning but forgot, and I sure wasn’t going to after Sunday morning service HA!)
If you would like to see what I’m talking about above, watch some of this 🙂 it doesn’t have the entire 3 hours because the livestream doesn’t normally start until 10.

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

Sounds like a productive weekend! Have a great week 🙂
It was! Thank you!