It was a busy, but great weekend!
Friday Night
I did nothing but relax. I was tired from Thursday night. To backtrack a little, our church has a ministry where we buy for children in our church and community who won’t get much, if anything, for Christmas. We had 36 to buy for this year, and the shopping happened on Thursday night. So, come Friday, I was tired. The last week has been crazy, even without shopping for 36 kids. But, I was able to rest Friday night, and it was nice!
I woke up at 7 and just enjoyed my morning. I drank a cup of coffee and really enjoyed it. I didn’t really have anything pressing but I did plan to go to the church to finish the sorting and “wrapping” of the kids presents. My mom was not able to remote into the church computer from home so she went with me to the church so she could work while I was working. (In case you’re worried about breakfast, we did stop and eat on the way to the church).

We were able to get everything wrapped up and put up until the parents could get the presents picked up the next day.
Once we got back home, I needed to get some work done and get a shower. I managed to get that done, and then it was time to get dressed to go eat for a friend’s birthday. I did not even get a picture of any of this, but we had fun, and the food was delicious. When I got back home, it was time for bed.
This Sunday was Christmas party day in the Sunday School classes. Those are always fun! There was still a short lesson (because we are there to learn about Jesus), but there was partying too!

After Sunday School, we had worship and word, and then a very special video message. After 40 years, our Senior Pastor announced his retirement. He will not be retired from preaching, but will not be fully in charge anymore. He has been promoted to Bishop and our Administrative Pastor, his son-in-law, has now become our Senior Pastor. This promotion is very well-deserved for them both. As Administrative Assistant, I’ve known this was going to happen for a while, but it was still very emotional. Our now-Bishop has been my Pastor for 40 of my 41 years of life. But, I am so happy for him to have time to relax and spend more time with his wife. They both deserve it. I am also happy for our now-Senior Pastor. I have been working with them both, and I know this is a great transition. I am looking forward to it all!
After church, I came home and relaxed, and loved every minute of it!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

Wishing you the Merriest Christmas!
Thank you! Wishing you the merriest Christmas as well!