It was a busy, but festive weekend!
Friday Night
Nothing exciting but I did get some laundry done, did a few things at my grandmother’s, and moved summer/winter clothes around in my closet. After supper and Shetland, it was time for bed, but not before getting my clothes together for the Reindeer Run the next morning.
I wasn’t up too early which was nice for a Saturday morning, but I was up early enough. I fed the girls, got dressed, and headed to the Reindeer Run 5K. I met up with a friend there. We had watched the weather for the past 48 hours because thunderstorms were expected at race time. Thankfully, the only rain during the run was a few sprinkles, and that was it!

Once the last runner crossed the finish line, we waited and waited and waited for the results. When they finally did the results, they only announced the overall winners, the best dressed, and the wisest (oldest) runner, and said the age group winners would be announced on the Facebook page. I was supposed to go to the Children’s Christmas program practice but thanks to the waiting, I didn’t make it before they finished. I was not happy but all was well. There were plenty of adults there to help so thankfully, my absence didn’t cause any issues.
Once I got back home (well, back in town), we got groceries and headed home to get some church work done. But first, coffee! I had not had any because, running, so that was the first order of business! I got some work done, took a shower, sat in the hallway for a little bit during a tornado warning (gotta love December in the South), visited with my grandmother, had time to watch a little bit of TV, and then got ready for our Care Group Christmas party.

I didn’t even take pictures at our Christmas party, but the food was good, the fellowship was great, and the games were fun!! On the way home, we went a few streets over to see the light display that the local Coca-Cola plant/Coca-Cola museum puts up for Christmas.

Once we got back home, it was time for bed. I did pack my clothes for the next day since I was going to be at the church all day long.
You know the routine – up early, fed the cats, got dressed, and stopped at Starbucks on the way to church. We had Sunday School like normal, but then the children that have been in the Clubhouse on Wednesday nights came downstairs and put on their Christmas program 🙂 After that, we had awesome praise and worship, followed by a short, but powerful message from our pastor.
After church, several of us were staying to get ready for Cookies & Cocoa that night. But before the decorating began, we all went to a local Mexican restaurant for lunch. After that, it was back to work! By 5, the children had shorted arriving with their families. Before too long, Santa and Mrs. Clause showed up, and Mrs. Clause told the children the real reason for Christmas.

After that, it was time for cookies, cocoa, and gingerbread house building!

It was a fun night for the children, and I know the adults had a great time too! By the time I got home, I was exhausted!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

Congrats on your run! Looks like the weather held up and love your festiveness 🙂
Thank you! Yes it did and I was so glad.