It was a busy, but great weekend!
Friday Night
I finished laundry but was still up late finishing the final prep for the Kingdom Run 5K the next morning. Now, let me just say, that I am normally way ahead of the game on this, and it is so much less stressful, but thanks to having a trip to Hawaii right before, and returning home 3 days prior, I had a lot to do before Saturday morning. Thanks to my mom, we were able to get the yard signs ready, shirts organized and rolled, registrations printed out, etc., and we were ready for Saturday!
It was 5K day! We were up at 5 am, fed the cats, got dressed (added an extra layer or two…it was colder than I thought it was going to be), loaded the vehicle, and headed to Starbucks.

With a Peppermint Mocha and egg bites in hand, we headed to the church to pick up tables, chairs, and garbage cans, and load tents. Thanks to many volunteers, this didn’t take long, and we were on our way to the race location (it was only a 5-minute drive). We set everything up, and even had people showing up to sign-up before we were completely set up 🙂 It wasn’t as big this year (there were several factors) but it was still successful. I’m already thinking about and planning next year 😉

Once the run was over, we headed home and I got busy un-prepping run things (taking years signs apart, getting results organized, etc.). I still had other church work, so I got started on some of that too.
We had a banquet honoring a lady who passed away 3 years ago. She was a HUGE help in our recovery program. I went and helped with that (I put the logo on the screen for the duration of the banquet & played the slideshow when it was time).
I got home from that around 9, and still had a few things to finish before church the next morning so I got to work, and finally went to bed.
Thankfully, I got an extra hour of sleep 🙂
the quick version? Starbucks, church, home 🙂 It was nice to not have somewhere to go Sunday afternoon so I could enjoy being at home.

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

Your Starbucks order is one of my fave orders too 🙂
I try to not get the peppermint mocha too much because it has a lot of sugar and calories but nothing says Christmas quite like it, so I get it enough to make me happy 🙂
I still haven’t gotten my first Starbucks holiday cup of the season. Maybe next weekend…!
Yes! If you are like me, it just makes me happier if it is a Christmas cup HA!