It was a great weekend!
Friday Night
Friday night didn’t consist of much besides laundry. However, I did get the medals ready (I had to attach the “plate” to the back of them) for the Kingdom Run that is coming up on November 4 and if you are keeping up, yes, that is 3 days after I get back from Hawaii HA!ðĪŠ

I did also go outside and see the International Space Station when it passed over. It wasn’t a spectacular picture but it was cool to know, and see, that it was flying over us.

Saturday was the day we were finally able to go on our church Care Group hiking fun day ð If you remember, we tried to go back in May but it was forecasted to be stormy that day so we postponed until October. It was the best decision! The day was GORGEOUS!! There were two care groups that came together for this, and those that wanted to hike, went hiking.

The others came and just fellowshipped and ate with us. We ate, hung out, and then everyone was ready to go home. When I got home, I got to work on more of the laundry, some of my packing, and my church work. Soon it was time for showers, supper, an episode or two of Bull, and then bedtime or reading time.
The “before church” routine was pretty much the same, but it was our Next Step class Sunday for the month so I did have to get the booklets distributed. We had Sunday School, wonderful worship and word, and then some of us had the “Lunch with the Pastors” to attend after church. Once I finished with that, it was home to relax and get ready for the week ahead.

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

That hike looks amazing!
It was beautiful!
Wow, hiking with friends is the best, and it looks like y’all chose a wonderful location! Glad you had a great weekend ð
Yes! It was fun, and beautiful!