It was a busy, but great weekend!
Friday Night
After work, we went to a local pork shop to get sausage, bacon, and tenderloins. While in the area, I picked up my race packet for the 25K trail run I would be participating in on Saturday morning.

Back home, I continued with laundry and then we ate biscuits and tenderloin for supper (I had already planned to not eat anything too heavy because hours in the woods and needing to use the bathroom would not have been ideal HA!) We watched an episode of Bull while eating, and then it was off to get everything laid out for Saturday morning and head to bed!
I was up before the sun, fed the cats, got ready, and headed out! It was “race day”! (I say it like that because I wasn’t “racing” anyone but myself. I was just there to finish). I joined 180 other crazies, I mean, 25Kers, (and 80-something 50kers) and we headed out for 15.5 (plus some) miles on the trails, for my third time!

I was not properly trained like I should have been but I had fun, and I’m already looking to next year! I love being out on the trails, and this time of year is the perfect time! I love the changing leaves! We did have a fire tower to climb (we could opt out but I wanted that medallion so up I went – 81 steps!)

So, of all days, it was the hottest day we’ve had this October, and it would be the day of the 25K. About 12-13 miles in, we go up a really long hill, and it is in the sun, and by the time I got to the top, I thought I was going to throw up, and pass out. But, thanks to the great people working the aid station, they filled my water bladder for me, and allowed me to sit and “rest” for a minute, while I drank my water.

I recovered and headed out for the last 4 miles. I did pretty good but my hip was really acting up (it always does on the hills) but I kept pushing forward – slower than usual, but still one foot in front of the other LOL. Several more hills, and one last big hill, and I was back to pavement!

I finished and I wasn’t last so mission accomplished! I did PR (I was slower last year than the year before but much faster than both this year!!) so that made it even better! I crossed the finish line, got my tower climb medallion and beat stick (look up Buford Pusser and you’ll understand why the beat stick), took the beat stick to get the 3rd year brand, and made my way to hydration! A local Mexican restaurant was providing burritos so I got me a Dr. Pepper and a chicken burrito, and sat down. I ate very slowly (remember I almost threw up 4 miles before HA!) but it was exactly what I needed to get myself home. Ok, so that was a bit dramatic but I did feel much better after the Dr. Pepper and some of the burrito. I did get a bottle of water before heading back to my vehicle.

I made it home, took a shower (and boy did that feel great!), made myself a cup of coffee, and started on church work. I got that finished, went to visit my grandmother, ate supper and watched Bull, then worked on packing for a little while, and then finally went to bed.
Sunday morning routine didn’t change much but I did have extra stops before Starbucks. Sunday School was great, worship and sermon was great, and then it was time for fall festival prep. Several of us stayed after church to decorating for the fall festival. We are so thankful to have so many in Kids ministry!

The fall festival started at 5, and we were ready to go! It was a successful fall festival, a fun hayride, and an even better time with our church kids and their families!

I was home by 9, and ready for bed! I was tired!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!