It was a nice chill weekend, which was what I needed after 3 community events during the month, and a very very busy October coming up.
Friday Night
I did nothing…well, except laundry HA! I did order clothes and a few items that I need for Hawaii but that wasn’t stressful. I have been working on cleaning out my closet and getting rid of clothes so I did work on that, but this is an ongoing thing.

I was early to run, and it was nice to be outside and running. Most of the Saturdays in the month were taken up by community events and they were so early that I didn’t have time to get a run in, so it was nice to be able to run.

After my run, I continued with laundry, ate breakfast, and watched some Bull. After that, I worked on church work most of the day. I did go through more clothes too. However, church work took up most of the day so that’s mostly what I did.
It was a normal Sunday, so nothing different to report. I did enjoy coming home after church and just relaxing and getting mentally prepared for the coming week.

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!