It was a long weekend and I don’t mean I got an extra day either. It was mostly good but Sunday night was not, but is unfortunately part of life.
Friday Night
We put up the Christmas tree! Yes, the middle of October, and the tree is up! (back story, reason, whatever you want to call it: I like to have the tree up at the first of November. The first Saturday in November will be a full day of coordinating a 5K, among other things. So, back it up a week, and I’ll be in Hawaii. Back it up another week, and I’ll be in the woods most of the day trail running for 25K, which brings us back to this past weekend.) We did stop in the middle of decorating to take 288 mugs (12 boxes) to the church. They are mugs with our church logo that first-time guests receive and they had just been delivered to the house. I’m sure our UPS delivery guy loves us HA! Once back home, we ate supper, continued working on laundry, and went to bed.
I was up early to run. I had planned to run 6 miles but then realized I had A LOT to do that day and there’s was no way I would be able to fit a longer run in, so I decided 2.5 miles was better than nothing! Back from running, I changed the sheets on my bed, made and drank a cup of coffee, ate breakfast (and started an episode of Bull), and then finished the tree (lights and ornaments).

Once the tree was finished, it was time to get church work done, shower taken, and get ready for church. It was the weekend we celebrated our church homecoming/pastoral anniversary. This year was the 40th year of pastoral excellence so we celebrated our pastor and his wife all weekend! Saturday night was a night of reflection. Several people (some from church, some from other churches, and some from the community) talked about what the pastor and his wife meant to them. We know our pastor and his wife are THE BEST, but it was nice to hear other people say it too 🙂

Afterward, we fellowshipped and ate soup and sandwiches. I was home by 9:30 and it was time for bed.

This Sunday, the morning routine was the same (Starbucks and to church early) but we did not have Sunday School, so church started at 10. We had the kids singing, congregational singing, praise team singing, more honor to our pastor and his wife, trio singing, solo singing, and a GREAT message by a visiting preacher. After church, some of us went to eat with the pastor and his wife and a few others. It was a nice place at a state park and it was just nice to be able to sit and eat and fellowship with everyone.

Sadly, a few days before, someone who was closely associated with our church lost her son, and the visitation was that night at the church. Y’all! This mother ripped my heart out. I will not go into what happened but to hear her cry and wail like she did, it literally ripped my heart into pieces. Please pray for this woman and the family. I went back to the church to get the media (slideshow made by the funeral home) ready for the visitation, and stayed a few hours, before heading home. It was a long day.

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!