There was nothing too exciting that happened but it was still a good weekend. Apparently so good that I did not take any pictures.
Friday Night
It was a low key Friday night – just getting laundry done and relaxing and watching some TV. We did start a new show on BritBox (if you like British shows, you need this…and AcornTV). The show we started was “Murder in Provence”. If you want a brief description, basically, it is set in Provence, France, murders happen, and are solved. I love the plot, the scenery, the characters. …and if you’re a fan of “The Greatest Showman”, Keala Settle is in this show 🙂

Saturday was a routine Saturday – up early to run and got in 2.5 miles. Then it was time for my morning coffee and reading time. After that, it was time for breakfast, and the continuation of “Murder in Provence”. After breakfast (and the episode of “Murder in Provence” was over), it was time to finish laundry and get church work done. We had our “Next Steps” classes on Sunday so I needed to get the sign-in sheets ready for that. There is other work that has to be done every weekend but these sign-in sheets are something that is only done once a month. Church work put on hold, it was time for a shower, followed by supper. We watched the last episode of “Murder in Provence” (there were only 3, but it does look like there will be a 2nd season), I finished church work, printed, and sent emails, and then it was time for bed (which really means, it was time to read HA!). I finished the book I was reading, and then went to sleep.
Sunday mornings are always busy and early (considering church doesn’t start until 10). Up at 6am, get dressed, stop at Starbucks on the way to church for coffee & breakfast. On “Next Step” Sundays, classes start at 9:30. Since I have to get those booklets out, it was off to the copier to get those printed (I usually have them completed the Wednesday before but that night was busy and it didn’t get done). While those were copying, I got the stations set up for our Children’s/Sunday School check-ins, and then I sat down to eat my breakfast. Thankfully I had poured my coffee into a thoermos so it wasn’t cold. Normally, I can “calmly” get paperwork ready, but this Sunday, I had to teach one of the classes because one of our teachers was out sick. Once classes were over, the rest of the time at church was pretty much the same. I run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I worship, then get the guest information, get the attendance count, etc. After church, we went to eat at a local Japanese restaurant, and then to a friend’s house so that my mom could measure the bathroom that she is designing for them. Then it was home for about an hour, before I left for a surprise birthday party of a friend. After that, I was finally back home for the night! We ate supper, and started “Crossfire (another BritBox show). Then it was bedtime!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

Sounds like a cozy little weekend with some great shows- thanks for linking up!
I look forward to it every week!