A few Many days behind but…
It’s time to check in with my March goal update! Check out Goals: 2020 as a reminder of the goals I set for myself.

I did “fairly” good in March.
– I only got 1 book read this month. It’s when quarantine/isolation started so it was a new
norm. I’ll blame it on that LOL I do think it did have something to do with change of
✔ I only managed 12.2 miles this month but thanks to high-pressure-system rain-induced
headaches and a sinus infection, I guess it wasn’t too bad. Also, I had planned to run on
the 17th but that was the day I moved my work computer home to begin working from
home so at that point, getting the work computer set up and running (thanks to our IT
guys!) was more critical than running:/
*this is one of my favorite WFH memes right now
+ it’s a work in progress!!
✔ I hit publish on 4 posts: here, here, here and here.