I’m late getting this posted but at least I can remember what/how I did
It’s time to check in with my January goal update! Check out Goals: 2021 as a reminder of the goals I set for myself.

How did I do in January?:
*read at least 3 books a month
❆ I did it! This goal was a success for January✓
*read at least 3 books a month
❆ I only got 2.
January was really busy and I guess I was too tired to read at night

You can check out my thoughts about both here.
*run at least 3 times a week❆ I did it! This goal was a success for January✓
*run another half marathon, a 25K, and more trail runs
❆ I haven’t signed up yet but training has begun for the 25K. Sign-up for the half
that I know I will be running has not opened yet. I need some more trail runs to
*run a total of 500 miles this year
*post at least 3-4 times a month
❆ 5 posts for January✓
❆ 45 out of 500 done in January
455 to go

❆ 5 posts for January✓
Check them out: