Here we are at the end of 2019! When/how did that happen?! Looking back at January, I had set only 4 goals for myself but honestly, they were pretty lofty goals since I’m usually struggling to juggle the “busy”…but it worked out better than I thought! (maybe I finally figured out how to plan it all).

Let’s look back at those goals and how I did:
*read the entire Bible
DONE!! I followed a plan created by SheWorksHISWay because I need a plan and it helped tremendously. At the beginning of the year, I wrote the scriptures for each week in my EC planner. Since I almost always have my planner with me, I can easily see what scriptures I needed to be reading that week, without having to carry the “plan” around with me. As I finished each set of scriptures, I would check them off in my planner.
(She has a new one out and it spreads over 2 years because..busy!)

*read at least 1 book a month
DID NOT HAPPEN. I did read 6 books this year so it’s better than nothing! It is certainly better than previous years.
*publish at least 2 blog posts a month
DONE! I posted 42 times, which is an average of 3.5 a month. Having several posts about our trip to Iceland helped. Also, the one post I never expected to write🙁
*participate in some type of outdoor activity (hike, run, walk, kayak, etc.) at least once a
DONE!! I logged a total of 71 miles in 2019!