Ready to get back to blogging [I have been crazy CRAZY busy…post about that later]…but what better way to start back than with a link-up with MS Women Bloggers! :)…SO HERE GOES!
1. What part of Mississippi are you from?
Northeast MS-more specifically, a small town called Corinth…love this town too! I was raised in
Burnsville, MS but moved to Corinth in 1998…and I hope I never have to leave 🙂
2. How long have you been blogging?
Since 2010…actively? the last few months…lol
3. Why did you start blogging?
I honestly can’t remember why….I think it was just to share what goes in in my life…to share
about myself 🙂
4. Tell us what we can expect when reading your blog.
A little bit of everything…literally! 🙂 travels, thoughts, rants (I try to refrain from those…but
occasionally, I just have to…), pets, pictures, family, … and most importantly, God!
5. What does your blog title mean?
Simply….I am single..and I love coffee 🙂 nothing profound
6. What do you love about being part of Mississippi Women Bloggers?
I love that there is a “community” for women bloggers….and one thing we have in common is
the state we live in, and/or grew up in 🙂
7. Who inspires you to blog?
Everybody! ok…to clarify, I say everybody because there are so many different things, different
people who “provoke” my thoughts on different issues and ideas….and then there are simply
just times when someone does a post that I like (such as those questionnaire type, or a link up)
so I do the same….of course, I give credit where credit is due:)
8. If you could pick a favorite blog post from this past year, what would it be?
“Haters Gon’ Hate…” Although it was something mean towards me, once it was brought to my
attention what was said about me (even though it was not true), it was almost like I had closure
about “being hated”…ok, that is a harsh word but it felt like they did. hate me. I actually laugh at
the name calling now….I guess because it is so not me….and it is clear to me that the other party
has/had some issues that he/she felt bad about and needed to call me names to feel better. All I can
say, is, honestly (this is not to be mean either), Lord help them.
9. Do your real life friends know you blog? How do they respond?
They do…but they don’t make a big deal out of it…I don’t know why…LOL
10. What is your blogging routine (if you have one)?
Well….as of the past two or three weeks, there hasn’t been a routine. I have been extremely busy
(there will be multiple posts about all of that). But a few weeks ago, before I got so busy, I was
trying to blog everyday….and I hope to go back to that as soon as the craziness calms down:)
11. We all love social media! Are there any media links you would like to share so we can follow
Actually, all of my links are on my blog (sorry! I am trying to finish this post and it is past time
to go to bed! lol)…right column, under my picture 🙂
12. Name 3 bloggers who have not joined Mississippi Women Bloggers that you would like to
see join us!
Honestly, I don’t know any bloggers who haven’t joined….but I do have three friends that I have
been trying to talk into blogging…and if I can ever convince them, it will be some good stuff! 🙂

Thanks for linking up, Rachel!