Not going to lie…I love doing these types of link-ups…so without further ado…
{1} Are you a morning or night person?
definitely not a morning person. I’m not sure if I’m really a night person either because I
love my sleep…but I am a much better person at night LOL
{2} Are you a collector of anything?
no..not really (well maybe souvenirs when I travel somewhere…)
{3} If you were given 1 million dollars, what do you do with it?
1st: pay tithes to my church
2nd: pay bills
3rd: help family and close friends (with important, desperate needs)
travel with what’s left!
{4} What is your worst pet peeve?
gum smacking…there are so many more…:-/
{5} What is the best thing about your hometown?
Its old Southern charm…the “oldness” of the buildings, the history, all of it 🙂
{6} If you were stranded on a desert island, and your iPod could only hold 10 songs,
what would they be (assuming the battery lasts forever, of course)?
Mandisa, TobyMac, DC Talk…any songs from any albums from these three:)
{7} If you could have a do-over in only one area of your life, would you want one? And
if so, what would it be?
If I had been asked this before, I would probably have said that I would have gladly take
a do-over for college. Now, I realize that, although I struggled through my original major
(because I just couldn’t allow myself to give up), I see that it was what I needed to
appreciate where I am now. God has His reasons for the things we go through. It wasn’t
easy during those years but it made me stronger and reminds me that God has it in
{8} What is your absolute favorite meal. (Pretend calories don’t exist.)
most pasta meals…just take me to Olive Garden 🙂
{9} Do you have a hero? If so, who is it?
I have two heroes.
First, my mom. She raised my younger sister and me as a single parent but we never
wanted for anything. We never knew what it was like to go without. We may have gone
without but it was not obvious to us that there was a struggle. She is one of the strongest
women I know. Love you Momma!
Second, my pastor’s wife. She is the sweetest lady I know. She genuinely cares about
everyone. She not only supports her husband, our pastor, with everything that he does
but she somehow has the compassion (ability, whatever you want to call it) to support
the church congregation. When we need direction (or even constructive criticism), she is
able to give both in the nicest and most caring way possible. Love her like family!
Both of these ladies are so much more than I have time and room for on this post 🙂
{10} Why do you blog?
It’s an outlet for my thoughts, feelings, experiences, adventures…whatever. It is a way I
can share with family and friends…plus, I love writing.
definitely not a morning person. I’m not sure if I’m really a night person either because I
love my sleep…but I am a much better person at night LOL
{2} Are you a collector of anything?
no..not really (well maybe souvenirs when I travel somewhere…)
{3} If you were given 1 million dollars, what do you do with it?
1st: pay tithes to my church
2nd: pay bills
3rd: help family and close friends (with important, desperate needs)
travel with what’s left!
{4} What is your worst pet peeve?
gum smacking…there are so many more…:-/
{5} What is the best thing about your hometown?
Its old Southern charm…the “oldness” of the buildings, the history, all of it 🙂
{6} If you were stranded on a desert island, and your iPod could only hold 10 songs,
what would they be (assuming the battery lasts forever, of course)?
Mandisa, TobyMac, DC Talk…any songs from any albums from these three:)
{7} If you could have a do-over in only one area of your life, would you want one? And
if so, what would it be?
If I had been asked this before, I would probably have said that I would have gladly take
a do-over for college. Now, I realize that, although I struggled through my original major
(because I just couldn’t allow myself to give up), I see that it was what I needed to
appreciate where I am now. God has His reasons for the things we go through. It wasn’t
easy during those years but it made me stronger and reminds me that God has it in
{8} What is your absolute favorite meal. (Pretend calories don’t exist.)
most pasta meals…just take me to Olive Garden 🙂
{9} Do you have a hero? If so, who is it?
I have two heroes.
First, my mom. She raised my younger sister and me as a single parent but we never
wanted for anything. We never knew what it was like to go without. We may have gone
without but it was not obvious to us that there was a struggle. She is one of the strongest
women I know. Love you Momma!
Second, my pastor’s wife. She is the sweetest lady I know. She genuinely cares about
everyone. She not only supports her husband, our pastor, with everything that he does
but she somehow has the compassion (ability, whatever you want to call it) to support
the church congregation. When we need direction (or even constructive criticism), she is
able to give both in the nicest and most caring way possible. Love her like family!
Both of these ladies are so much more than I have time and room for on this post 🙂
{10} Why do you blog?
It’s an outlet for my thoughts, feelings, experiences, adventures…whatever. It is a way I
can share with family and friends…plus, I love writing.