If you’ve been reading any of my Friday posts, you already know 😉

While the reason isn’t a favorite, the way the running community came together to “Finish Eliza’s Run” is! Back story: Eliza Fletcher, a wife, mother, teacher, runner, went out for her morning run in a town only an hour and a half away from me, and was kidnapped and murdered. So, many runners all over the world ran in memory of her, and “finished her run”. Some were solo runs, some were group runs. I participated in one group run in my hometown and we had around 50 in attendance, at 4:20 in the morning (which was around the time she was kidnapped) but in the town where her life was taken, there were over 1000 participants.

Since I just got back from Vegas…

lately? well, just some clothes that fit haha! I have been losing weight (yes, I was trying to) but it came off faster than I was prepared for so now I have clothes that are too big and I was about to lose some of them…or at least I looked like I was wearing someone else’s clothes…it was bad HAHA!


Linking up with Andrea and Erika for Friday Favorites. Have a great weekend!