Let me start by saying…Wow! I had no intentions of missing two weeks of posts but I have started a new medicine and it has messed me up (upset stomach, extremely tired – I’ve almost adjusted now so I’m good lol). It is great to be back!
I just love these babies!

this was the cutest little frog but it sure was noisy!

I love running outside!

still addicted to these egg wraps and caesar chicken (fyi: make up a bunch of these caesar chicken, eat what you want, and divide and freeze the rest. It’s a really quick supper fix later on)

this organizer! As church administrative assistant, I am always having to take some type of paperwork to and from church (I don’t have an office, yet) so with 24 tabs, I can keep the paperwork divided by the dept., purpose, etc. It is a game-changer!



Linking up with Andrea and Erika for Friday Favorites. Have a great weekend!