I haven’t posted a favorites in a LONG while so I thought it was time. I would like to get to where I post these weekly but we shall see….

at the beginning of last week, we had Vacation Bible School. While it is extremely exhausting, it is also rewarding. We love the excitement, but more importantly, we love being able to share Jesus at a child’s level.

These three sweet babies are really growing!
Surprise!! so…we did a thing! It has been almost 2 years since I lost my cat and almost 4 since my mom lost hers. We were both heartbroken and did not feel like we could ever allow that heartbreak again, but recently, we had entertained the thoughts of getting cats again…but nothing was definite. On July 6th, the vet we used to use posted pictures of these three and their brother, who were all up for adoption. (A couple had rescued a pregnant cat from a bad situation and took care of her and her six kittens, including shots and vaccines,until it was time for adoption. The vet was helping them post on social media.) We probably would have adopted all 4 but the brother was already spoken for by the time we made a decision and called the couple back. We picked up these three sisters that afternoon after work.

our tomato plant had me concerned for a while. It was growing really tall but not producing any tomatoes. We are finally seeing big green tomatoes (picked some) and I noticed yesterday that one is starting to turn red. It’s almost time for a delicious tomato sandwich, with a tomato from our very own plant!
this has been a favorite for a few weeks now but it just makes me happy. I turn the radio up every time it is playing

I taught at an alternative school for 3 years so I learned a few things LOL

Linking up with Andrea and Erika for Friday Favorites. Have a great weekend!